Too Warm In Bed?

Sleeping Better

It’s getting hot in here! Hot weather can wreak havoc with your sleeping patterns, so we have some handy hacks for beating baking bedrooms.

During a typical British summer, a sudden warm spell can leave people feeling restless and exhausted from lack of sleep. While we all love a bit of sunshine, warm spells can be a nuisance when it comes to bedtime.

Ideally bedrooms should be around 16-18°C (60-65°F) but if, at night, the outside temperature remains higher, or your bedroom has retained the heat from the day, it can be difficult to keep cool. Your body temperature needs to lower slightly before you go to sleep which is why it can be difficult to drop off when you’re too hot.

Here are some simple and effective tips to help you stay cool and comfortable in bed this summer:

  • Open windows – and doors – to create a cool draught through your bedroom. Draw curtains or blinds during the day to block the sun out and keep your room cooler at night.
  • If you’ve got an attic, try opening the hatch. Hot air rises and this will give it somewhere to go.
  • Get rid of the duvet and blankets and sleep with just a cotton sheet – or a duvet with a low tog rating.
  • Wear light cotton nightwear – this is actually better than wearing nothing at all as natural fabric will absorb any perspiration.
  • Have a cool shower or bath before bedtime to lower your core body temperature.
  • Drink plenty of cold water during the evening and keep a glass by the bed.
  • Avoid too much caffeine, alcohol or a big meal before bedtime as this can make you feel hot in the middle of the night because of dehydration and over-active digestion.
  • Pull out your hot water bottle, but fill it with ice cold water and have it in bed with you.
  • Chill a pillow case in the fridge before bedtime or try one of the new cooling pillows that are available to buy – both will help you keep a cool head!

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