EA’s Financial Wellbeing Month - Complementary Will Service

Financial Health

Throughout the month of March EA Staff have had the opportunity to attend a number of pilot events or workshops linked to boosting Financial Wellbeing. Sessions have ranged from financial awareness sessions to more targeted sessions e.g. pension management. Sadly a number of these planned events were postponed due to the need to put in place social distancing measures this month and we will seek to reschedule those in the next financial year when we are in a position to do so.


In early March EA Health and Wellbeing piloted the offering of a complementary Will arrangement to staff in partnership with Kennedy Burchill. Staff were briefed on the service and afforded the opportunity to sign up should they wish to progress their interest.


Pilot statistics demonstrated

  • Across 2 locations (Belfast/ Armagh) 43 staff attended a presentation on using the Free Will service.
  • Post event there was a 100% sign up rate. In addition some staff signed up after the event as a result of word of mouth.


The results suggested there was a demand for this service. We have now taken the decision to make all staff aware of it to support staff with managing their financial health.

To arrange a consultation to discuss or avail of the service please follow the link below and provide the required information to arrange a call back. The entire process can be managed remotely taking into account the current need for social distancing.


Financial Health Useful Resources

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