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A healthy diet and regular physical activity may help you manage the effects of prostate...
Prostate Cancer UK - Diet and Exercise Support
Fatigue support is a telephone programme which includes 4 appointments with a Specialist...
Prostate Cancer UK - Fatigue Support
There are hundreds of prostate cancer support groups in the UK. We have details of many...
Prostate Cancer UK - Local Support Groups
Move for Men is your new monthly fitness and wellbeing membership, designed to help you...
Prostate Cancer UK - Move For Men
The important thing to remember when you’re affected by prostate disease is that you’re...
Prostate Cancer UK - One-to-One Support
As part of this community, you can talk about whatever you want, from diagnosis to...
Prostate Cancer UK - Online Community
The Sexual support service is a chance for you, or your partner, to talk to one of our...
Prostate Cancer UK - Sexual Support
Call us for free, unbiased, confidential support and information. There's no such thing...
Prostate Cancer UK - Specialist Nurse
We have a team of trained volunteers throughout the UK who carry out talks to groups both...
Prostate Cancer UK - Virtual Awareness Activities
We rely on our incredible volunteers to help us spread the word about prostate cancer,...
Prostate Cancer UK - Volunteer
Everyone’s mental health and emotional well-being is important and many different issues...
Public Health Agency - Mental Emotional Wellbeing and Suicide Prevention Training
The World Health Organisation (WHO) and Red Cross advise that people are more likely to...
Public Health Agency - Psychological First Aid
Stress doesn’t just make you feel bad – it can also be bad for your health. The good news...
Public Health Agency - Stress Control Programme
Relationship support can be helpful for couples who have concerns or difficulties arising...
Relate NI - Adult Relationship Counselling (Couples)
Relationship support can be helpful for Individuals who have concerns or difficulties...
Relate NI - Adult Relationship Counselling (Individuals)
Are you experiencing changes in your relationship because of a brain tumour? If you, your...
Relate NI - Brain Tumour Support
Relationship counselling is an effective form of relationship maintenance, particularly...
Relate NI - Civil Service Employee Support
Family relationship support can be helpful for supporting relationships within the family...
Relate NI - Family Counselling
Sex therapy , sometimes known as Psycho-sexual Therapy, can be helpful for couples and...
Relate NI - Intimacy Therapy
One At A Time Therapy is a single session of relationship counselling support, which can...
Relate NI - One At A Time Therapy
Relate Kids can help primary school-aged children, usually up to age 11, to deal with...
Relate NI - Relate NI Kids Counselling
Relate Teen can help post-primary school-aged children, usually aged 11 and over, to deal...
Relate NI - Relate NI Teen Counselling
55% of Young People in NI are looking to Social Media for the information they need to...
Relate NI - Relateable
55% of Young People in NI are looking to Social Media for the information they need to...
Relate NI - Relationships & Sexuality Education
The Sustaining Healthy Relationships project is a new and innovative venture for Relate...
Relate NI - Sustaining Healthy Relationships
What people want at work is a deeper purpose, healthier relationships, stronger...
Relate NI - Sustaining Healthy Workplace Relationships
This 50 minute session is an accessible way for couples to check in with each other, and...
Relate NI - The Relationship MOT
Even the most loving relationships will experience stress from time to time. But by...
Related NI - Bank Workers Support
Our Connect Facebook groups are a supportive space for anyone affected by sight loss to...
RNIB - Connect Facebook Groups
Design for every gamer is our initiative to create a better gaming world for people with...
RNIB - Design For Every Gamer
Our employment assessment tool kit for recruitment professionals can help you assess the...
RNIB - Employment Assessment Toolkit
Eye Care Liaison Officers (ECLOs also known as Eye Clinic Liaison Officers) have lots of...
RNIB - Eye Care Liaison Officers (ECLOs)
We offer grants to registered blind or partially sighted people for useful technology...
RNIB - Grants
RNIB can help you understand the needs of disabled people to ensure that your business is...
RNIB - Inclusive Business Services
RNIB’s free, informal, community-based courses provide information, advice, support and...
RNIB - Living Well With Sight Loss Courses
Meet or connect with others who are blind or partially sighted to share interests,...
RNIB - NI Community Connection
If you are a parent or carer who has recently found out your child has been diagnosed...
RNIB - Parent Pathways Course
Our Sight Loss Counselling Team runs support groups for people affected by sight loss...
RNIB - Seeing It Through Groups
We can help you deal with the uncertainty of living with sight loss. Our Sight Loss...
RNIB - Sight Loss Advice Service
Open and inclusive environments offering a wide range of activities to suit everyone. Our...
RNID - Day Services
Our hearing aid support service helps people get the most out of their NHS hearing aids...
RNID - Get Help With Hearing Aids
The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak means we’ve paused our face-to-face appointments, but...
RNID - Get Help With Tinnitus
If you think your hearing is gradually getting worse, it’s best to get it tested. You can...
RNID - Get Your Hearing Tested
Help enhance the quality of life for older deaf people in the community and residential...
RNID - Home-Based Deaf Befriender in Northern Ireland
Provide hearing aid information to NHS hearing aid users in Northern Ireland by phone...
RNID - Home-Based Telephone Hearing Aid Support Volunteer in Northern Ireland
RNID local information service can help with: Local information Signposting to other...
RNID - NI Information Service
If you are deaf or have hearing loss and need support to develop your skills and find...
RNID - Specialist Employment Support
We are specialists in providing supported housing and living services to people who are...
RNID - Supported Housing & Living
If you are deaf or have hearing loss or tinnitus and work 10 hours a week or more, our...
RNID - Workable Programme
We offer 3 different types of remote BSL training courses to help you and your staff...
RNID - Workplace BSL Training
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