Staying healthy in the 'new normal'

Mental Health / Healthy Diet

Now that we are into October, many of us are starting to settle into a new routine. For some people that means going back into an office or workplace or establishing a new daily routine in a quiet house now that children are back to school. So how do we stay healthy in this new normal?

Working life is not what it used to be and plenty of us are adapting to the delicate balance of managing spreadsheets and zoom calls from our kitchen table. By now this has become the ‘new normal’ and for many of us, it is set to continue for the foreseeable future.

There are, of course, pros and cons to this way of working – for me, my daily commute between my home office and kitchen means I have been delivering health workshops and cookery demos for workplaces and community groups far and wide. Just last week I had 90 people in my kitchen at lunchtime (albeit virtually)!

So life has changed, and our eating and exercise habits have too.

As the seasons change, it is time for a plan. Rather than drift into another month of raiding the biscuit tin at lunchtime, autumn is a time to get focussed on the next phase of the year. So whether you are working from home, or have started a phased return to your office, let’s think about easy ways to stay fit, well and healthy in these weird times.

Get sociably social distanced!

More of life is happening online, and we are careful to reduce our contact with other people outside our households. As the nights draw in and autumn takes hold, there is a risk that we might start to hibernate a little bit too much. We are a sociable species and we need human contact.

I heard a commentator on the radio this week exclaiming that if we meet a group of friends on the street, we should not stop for a chat. I understand why we are being asked to keep a safe distance, but does this have to mean that we become anti-social?

There are ways to be sociably socially distanced. Meet a friend for a walk, go to an exercise class that is outside, or meet for a coffee outside. We need human contact. Loneliness is a risk for our mental, emotional and physical health. This is even more important as the days become colder and shorter.

Plan your meals

If you want something, you will need a plan. So if you want to improve your health, mood, energy or waistline, you will need a weekly menu plan.

Sit down once a week and plan what you are going to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Think about recipes and meals that you can cook once and eat twice – soups, curry, stew, chilli, autumn salads – these are all good ideas.

Add handy lunchable ideas to your shopping list so you don’t resort to eating cereal for your midday meal. Tinned fish, falafels, houmous, eggs, wholemeal pittas, oatcakes and salad ingredients can form the basis of a few healthy mid-day mid-week lunches.

Get outside!

Do not hibernate. Even if the weather is dull and dreary outside, head out for a 20minute walk every day. Most of us are sitting on our ass a lot more than we used to, so we have to make more of an effort to get moving. Get into the routine of walking or exercising at the same time every day – first thing, lunchtime or as soon as your working day finishes are good times.

September is always a busy month and this year we have the added stress of trying to navigate our way through a pandemic, coping with our own stressors and that of our loved ones. Make one small change that will make you feel well. Your body will thank you for it!

Mental Health Useful Resources

Guided meditations
Handle stress and anxiety on the go
Support to resist self-harm
Personalised Exercise Plans
Fabulous! Is a motivational app that uses challenges to help build physically and...
Boost your happiness and create a kinder world while doing it with the Action for...
Here2Help has been developed by a local initiative from people who want to make the range...
Active 10 is a free and easy to use walking app that tracks your walking and shows you...
Learn to manage negative thoughts and look at problems differently
MoodMission helps you learn new and better ways of coping with low moods and anxiety...
Clear Fear is an app developed for teenage mental health charity Stem4 which uses the...
MindShift CBT is a free self-help anxiety relief app, that helps you reduce worry, stress...
Self-Help for Anxiety Management (SAM) offers a range of self-help methods to help you...
What's Up? can help you cope with anxiety, stress and feelings of depression. It has...
Moodpath: Depression and Anxiety is a written mood journal that uses progress reports and...
Guided meditations
It’s an easy to follow programme known the world over, and perfect for those new to...
SuperBetter is a tool created by game designers to help you build resilience and get...

Mental Health Helplines & Web Chats

Action Mental Health
Association for Post-Natal Illness Helpline
Aware NI - Support Groups
Aware NI - Online Support Groups
Mind - Side by Side Online Community