EA Health and Wellbeing Champion
Workplace Health
We are continually seeking representatives to add to our existing Health & Wellbeing Champion Network.
The role of a Health & Wellbeing Champion is to act as ambassadors, drive and promote health initiatives and to support our EA’s Health & Wellbeing Strategy.
To see the existing EA Health and Wellbeing Champions Click here
What is an EA Health and Wellbeing Champion?
Health and Wellbeing Champions are EA employees who support wellbeing activities within their workplace. They will support the EA’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy and help their peers live happier, healthier, and more productive lives.
The role of the Health and Wellbeing Champion
A source of information
• Disseminating wellbeing programme information
• Signposting employees to wellbeing activities and resources and becoming a point of contact for colleagues wanting to know more about the wellbeing programme
A source of encouragement & support
• Encouraging colleagues to participate in programme activities and supporting colleagues to engage and maintain a commitment to health and wellbeing in general
A local representative
• Identifying local wellbeing priorities
• Gathering feedback from employees and providing suggestions and recommendations
Requirements for the role
- Believe in the value of health improvement and have enthusiasm for improving the quality of life for you and your colleagues.
- Be personable, energetic and able to approach colleagues in an engaging manner.
- Be willing to keep up-to-date with the wellbeing programme, and communicate feedback as necessary.
- Be willing and able to commit to the champion role alongside your other responsibilities.
How much time should I spend on this role?
Your Health and Wellbeing Champion role should be incorporated within your existing job duties with minimal disruption. There will be no pressures placed on you to fulfil any duties that you cannot commit too. Becoming a EA Health and Wellbeing Champion should complement your day to day job role within the EA.
The role of my line manager
You should seek the permission from your immediate line manager before proceeding with any wellbeing activity. This will help them support you and minimise any potential disruption with your job roles and responsibilities.
How do i sign up?
Email healthandwellbeing@eani.org.uk to find out more about this role