Self Compassion and Bend Don’t Break Workshops with WHSCT October 2024

Workplace Health

The Health Improvement, Equality and Involvement Department of the Western Health and Social Care Trust offer a range of courses and workshops to support mental health and suicide prevention.

Following World Mental Health Day, why not take some time to prioritise your mental wellbeing and book on one of the self-care courses happening next week:

Self Compassion: Why the way we Talk to Ourselves Matters

Date: Monday 21st October 2024: 10am – 1pm

Location: Online

Who can attend: Everyone (aged 18+)

To book a place CLICK HERE

People in Northern Ireland tend to be their own worst critics. We tend to see our weaknesses, not our strengths and can be really hard on ourselves. There is good evidence that when someone practices self-compassion, it improves not only their physical health and well-being, but it also helps them achieve goals and make changes in their lives that are important to them. This workshop on zoom is open to anyone over 18 and will introduce you to self- compassion, what it is, how to make the most of it, create the opportunity to experience some self-compassion exercises and offer some tools to keep the work going after the workshop.

Bend Don’t Break Workshop: Building our Resilience

Date: Tuesday 22nd October 2024: 10am – 1pm

Location: Online

Who can attend: Everyone (aged 18+)

To book a place CLICK HERE

Do you have times when things seem to get on top of you, you can’t stop worrying, stressful situations are just too much, or your mood is low? Then this workshop could be for you. Resilience is being able to “bounce back” from tough times. It is having strengths within and outside yourself that help you through difficulties. The good news is that our resilience can be strengthened at any age if we work at it. This workshop uses the tools in ‘Bend Don't Break’, a low intensity self-help resource to strengthen the building blocks of resilience. It will introduce the contents of the self-help booklet and create the opportunity to keep the work going after the workshop.

Workplace Health Useful Resources

This procedure applies to those staff who are members of the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) (Northern Ireland).
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First aid advice
Guided meditations
Guided meditations
Handle stress and anxiety on the go