In Ctrl is a group work programme for children and young people that aims to help them...
Seeking Solutions offers children and young people help and support to deal with problems...
Volunteers are the beating heart of the NSPCC. Without them, we couldn’t help the...
The Dads Project supports dads in Northern Ireland who are separating, separated or...
Parenting NI can deliver a range of 12 needs-led Employee Wellbeing Seminars to parent...
Families Together is a partnership project between Parenting NI and New Life Counselling...
Anger is a normal emotion, which most parents experience on a regular basis. It is often...
The teenage years can be notoriously challenging but this programme can help you navigate...
The Parenting Apart Programme is aimed at parents who have separated, are separating,...
The Parenting Children’s Challenging Behaviour programme will: Help parents understand...
This programme provides parents with a greater awareness of mental health issues and...
An HIV diagnosis can have a tremendous impact not only on the individual but on the wider...
At Positive Life, we aim to provide a comprehensive programme of events to educate people...
Our group for parents meets throughout the year during school holidays, taking part in...
Currently known as "Lockdown Lunches", these are now facilitated remotely. In normal time...
At our men’s groups , we host a service user-led activity every 3 months. This provides...
This is a support group for service users who have recently been diagnosed or is affected...
Sometimes it can be good just to talk to someone about how HIV affects you, whether you...
Peer support is when people come together to share knowledge and personal experiences...
In partnership with Advice Space, our Welfare Benefits Adviser Gareth Larmour continues...
At our women’s groups , we host a service user-led activity every 3 months. This provides...
Our Foundation in Problem Gambling Assessment & Brief Interventions course has been...
Our Workplace Gambling Workshops are facilitated by Tony O'Reilly, addiction counsellor...
Each month we run an online support group for men on active surveillance - a form of...
We have a team of trained volunteers throughout the UK who carry out talks to groups both...
Prostate Cancer UK have a team of trained volunteers throughout the UK who carry out...
Living with prostate cancer can be hard to deal with emotionally, as well as physically...
A healthy diet and regular physical activity may help you manage the effects of prostate...
Fatigue support is a telephone programme which includes 4 appointments with a Specialist...
There are hundreds of prostate cancer support groups in the UK. We have details of many...
The important thing to remember when you’re affected by prostate disease is that you’re...
As part of this community, you can talk about whatever you want, from diagnosis to...
The Sexual support service is a chance for you, or your partner, to talk to one of our...
Call us for free, unbiased, confidential support and information. There's no such thing...
We have a team of trained volunteers throughout the UK who carry out talks to groups both...
We rely on our incredible volunteers to help us spread the word about prostate cancer,...
Everyone’s mental health and emotional well-being is important and many different issues...
The World Health Organisation (WHO) and Red Cross advise that people are more likely to...
Stress doesn’t just make you feel bad – it can also be bad for your health. The good news...
Relationship support can be helpful for couples who have concerns or difficulties arising...
Are you experiencing changes in your relationship because of a brain tumour? If you, your...
Relationship counselling is an effective form of relationship maintenance, particularly...
Family relationship support can be helpful for supporting relationships within the family...
Sex therapy , sometimes known as Psycho-sexual Therapy, can be helpful for couples and...
55% of Young People in NI are looking to Social Media for the information they need to...
55% of Young People in NI are looking to Social Media for the information they need to...
The Sustaining Healthy Relationships project is a new and innovative venture for Relate...
What people want at work is a deeper purpose, healthier relationships, stronger...
This 50 minute session is an accessible way for couples to check in with each other, and...
Even the most loving relationships will experience stress from time to time. But by...

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