MindWise safeguards children and adults by committing to a ‘zero tolerance’ of abuse. We...
WiseTalking is a pilot Talking Therapies service for children and young people who are...
It can be difficult to manage all the different bills and payments in our lives. The...
No time for a phone call? You can now get in touch with MoneyHelper using Whatsapp. The...
The map ( click here ) shows the locations where blood donation sessions are currently...
If you’re living with a respiratory condition, then our Breathing Better team is here to...
If you’re living with a respiratory condition, then our Breathing Better team is here to...
Our Breathing Better Walking Groups support people with chest conditions to exercise in a...
Our Breathing Better Wellness Sessions are offered both online and face-to-face, and...
Our online Carers Education Programme is here for you if you are caring for a loved one...
We understand that a diagnosis of a chest or heart condition, or suffering a heart attack...
Is your heart condition.... Stopping you doing the things you want to do? Limiting your...
Delivered over 6 weeks, this online cardiac education programme brings together groups of...
NICHS's dedicated Inspire Choir is currently taking place online and in person, and is...
PREP is Northern Ireland Chest Heart & Stroke's physiotherapy led, community based...
Is your lung condition... Stopping you getting a good night’s sleep? Making you feel...
Our information and wellness sessions delivered across NI focus on secondary prevention,...
Our information and wellness sessions delivered across NI focus on secondary prevention,...
If you’re living with a long-term chest, heart or stroke condition, then our Taking...
Giving your time through volunteering makes a profound difference to other people’s lives...
With 25% of stroke survivors in Northern Ireland under 65 years of age, our Young Stroke...
As well as continuing to offer services to people with chest, heart and stroke conditions...
In Ctrl is a group work programme for children and young people that aims to help them...
Seeking Solutions offers children and young people help and support to deal with problems...
Volunteers are the beating heart of the NSPCC. Without them, we couldn’t help the...
The Parenting Apart Programme is aimed at parents who have separated, are separating,...
An HIV diagnosis can have a tremendous impact not only on the individual but on the wider...
Our group for parents meets throughout the year during school holidays, taking part in...
Currently known as "Lockdown Lunches", these are now facilitated remotely. In normal time...
At our men’s groups , we host a service user-led activity every 3 months. This provides...
This is a support group for service users who have recently been diagnosed or is affected...
Sometimes it can be good just to talk to someone about how HIV affects you, whether you...
Peer support is when people come together to share knowledge and personal experiences...
In partnership with Advice Space, our Welfare Benefits Adviser Gareth Larmour continues...
At our women’s groups , we host a service user-led activity every 3 months. This provides...
Each month we run an online support group for men on active surveillance - a form of...
Living with prostate cancer can be hard to deal with emotionally, as well as physically...
A healthy diet and regular physical activity may help you manage the effects of prostate...
Fatigue support is a telephone programme which includes 4 appointments with a Specialist...
There are hundreds of prostate cancer support groups in the UK. We have details of many...
The important thing to remember when you’re affected by prostate disease is that you’re...
As part of this community, you can talk about whatever you want, from diagnosis to...
The Sexual support service is a chance for you, or your partner, to talk to one of our...
Call us for free, unbiased, confidential support and information. There's no such thing...
We rely on our incredible volunteers to help us spread the word about prostate cancer,...
Everyone’s mental health and emotional well-being is important and many different issues...
The World Health Organisation (WHO) and Red Cross advise that people are more likely to...
Stress doesn’t just make you feel bad – it can also be bad for your health. The good news...
Are you experiencing changes in your relationship because of a brain tumour? If you, your...
Relationship counselling is an effective form of relationship maintenance, particularly...

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