Starting University Or College? Think Meningitis

Family Health

As young people prepare to start university or college, the Public Health Agency (PHA) is reminding those going for the first time to get the meningococcal vaccine if they didn’t receive it at school to help protect against potentially deadly illness.

The MenACWY vaccine is routinely offered as part of the school-based vaccination programme. It helps protect against meningococcal disease, which new university or college students are at higher risk of contracting in the first weeks of term, when they will come into contact with many new people of a similar age. If you missed getting it at school now is the time to catch-up.

Meningococcal bacteria can cause meningitis (inflammation of the lining of the brain) and septicaemia (blood poisoning). Both diseases are very serious and, especially if not diagnosed early, they can kill.

Rachel Spiers, Immunisation and Vaccination Programme Manager at the PHA, said: “Make sure you keep the MenACWY vaccine in mind as part of your preparations before the start of term. Older teenagers are at higher risk of getting MenW disease, so you need to get vaccinated to help protect yourself. It will also reduce the risk of you carrying the bacteria, therefore helping to protect those around you.

“Older teenagers and those starting university or college for the first time usually mix with larger groups of people, making them more exposed to various infections and diseases. The best way to protect against meningococcal A, C, W, or Y disease is to make sure you received the MenACWY vaccine at school, and if you didn’t, speak to your GP about getting vaccinated as you remain eligible up until the age of 25. It is best to have it before you start university or college, and if not, to get it in the first week of term.”

If you are unsure if you received your immunisations at school, a parent/guardian may be able to help. They may have recorded the vaccinations in your Personal Child Health Record (the ‘Red Book’). If unsure, speak to your GP practice.

Meningitis signs and symptoms

It is still important to know the signs and symptoms of meningitis and septicaemia and seek medical help immediately if you, or someone you know, experiences them, regardless of age or vaccination status.

Look out for any of these symptoms:

  • fever, cold hands and feet;
  • vomiting and diarrhoea;
  • drowsiness, difficult to wake up;
  • irritability and/or confusion;
  • dislike of bright lights;
  • severe headache;
  • muscle pains;
  • pale, blotchy skin with or without a rash;
  • convulsions/seizures;
  • stiff neck.

The early symptoms of meningococcal disease are similar to those of flu, so you need to be able to recognise the symptoms very quickly even if you have been vaccinated as the vaccines offered through the routine immunisation programme do not protect against all forms of the disease.

For more information on the MenACWY vaccination programme visit

MMR vaccine

It’s also worth checking that your MMR immunisation is complete before heading off to university. Measles is on the rise. It is highly infectious and can easily spread between unvaccinated people. If you think you have not had any or only one dose of MMR, ask your GP or nurse about it. Getting both doses of the MMR vaccine greatly reduces the risk of catching and spreading measles.

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