Turn Up and Try Volunteering Opportunities
If you have registered for a volunteering opportunity and are just waiting to get started or perhaps you’d like to volunteer but don’t want to over commit yourself, have a look at The Volunteer Now new calendar of Turn Up & Try Volunteering Opportunities Turn Up and Try. These are one off opportunities currently available with organisations across Northern Ireland where you can get involved in volunteering straight away!
Simply call or email the contact for further information and then Turn Up & Try! There is no long-term commitment or obligation and there is a great variety of opportunities to suit everyone. We’ll be adding new opportunities all the time so visit this page again if there is nothing suitable just now.
NB Please ensure you leave a contact name and number if you plan to attend so the organisers can advise you of the latest arrangements. Should a Turn Up and Try Event be cancelled or postponed, organisers will endeavour to contact you.
Happy Volunteering!