Portion Sizes

British Dietetic Association

A portion is the amount of a food that you eat at one time, for example how much food you put on your plate at a meal or how much is in a packet.

Why are portion sizes important?

The key to eating a balanced diet is to eat a wide variety of foods in appropriate amounts. Making healthier choices and choosing to eat some foods more often, and in larger amounts, than others.

It is important to be aware of portion sizes, as eating too much or not enough of any type of food can increase your risk of health problems. This is because your body may be getting too much or too little of what it needs to stay healthy.

As every person is different, the recommended number of portions for each food will vary according to age, sex, size, health and other factors, but this sheet provides a good place to get you started.

Carbohydrates – what is a portion?

Type of food

Portion Size

What does this look like?



One medium slice

Pasta (boiled)

75g uncooked / 150g cooked

Two to three tablespoons

Rice (boiled)

50g uncooked / 150g cooked

Two to three tablespoons

Potatoes (boiled with skin)*


Three (egg-sized) or five to six (thumb-sized new potatoes)

Baked potato (with skin)*


One medium

Puffed or flaked breakfast cereals


Three tablespoons / two biscuits

Porridge oats / shredded cereals


Three tablespoons

Muesli / granola


Two to three tablespoons

*Potatoes do not contribute to one of your 5-a-day, however sweet potatoes, parsnips, swedes and turnips do.

Top tip: Choose wholegrains or higher fibre versions with less added fat, salt and sugar. Be mindful that the carbohydrate portions provided contain different amounts of carbohydrate and calories.

Dairy and alternatives – what is a portion?

Type of food

Portion Size

What does this look like?


200ml (1/3 pint)

One glass

Calcium fortified plant-based alternative

200ml (1/3 pint)

One glass



One standard pot / three tablespoons

Cheese (hard)


A small matchbox-sized piece

Top tip: Try to choose lower fat and lower sugar options where possible.

Protein – what is a portion?

Type of food

Portion Size

What does this look like?

Animal protein



Cooked meat (beef, pork, lamb, mince, chicken, turkey)


A deck of cards

Cooked white fish (cod or plaice) or canned fish


Palm of hand

Cooked oily fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines)


Palm of hand



Two medium

Plant Protein



Baked beans


Four tablespoons

Beans (kidney beans, butterbeans, black eyed beans)


Four tablespoons

Pulses (lentils, chickpeas)


Four tablespoons

Soya/tofu, plant-based meat alternative


Four tablespoons

Unsalted nuts or nut butter


One handful or tablespoon

Top tip: Eat more beans and pulses such as lentils and peas, and two portions (140g) of sustainably sourced fish per week, one of which is oily such as mackerel, salmon, trout, sardines, herring. Eat less red and processed meat. Choose lean meat.

Fruit and vegetables – what is a portion?

Type of food

Portion Size

What does this look like

An apple / pear / orange / banana


One medium (size of clenched fist)



10-12 or handful



15-20 or cupped hands



Two fruits

Dried fruit e.g. raisins


A small handful/one tablespoon

Peas / carrots / sweetcorn / mixed vegetables


Three heaped tablespoons




Cherry tomatoes





2.5cm piece



Cereal bowlful

Top tip: Eat at least five portions (400g) of a variety of fruit and vegetables every day. Choose from fresh, frozen, canned (in juice) or dried. Eat a rainbow!

Oils and spreads – what is a portion?

Type of food

Portion Size

What does this look like

Butter or spread


One teaspoon


5ml / 3g

One teaspoon


15ml / 11g

One tablespoon

Top tip: Use small amounts of oils and spreads and measure out. Choose unsaturated vegetable oils such as olive oil, rapeseed oil, sunflower oil.

Drinks – what is a portion?

Drink plenty of fluids – generally six to eight cups or glasses daily but this will depend on age, gender, the weather, how much physical activity you do and health. Water, lower fat milks, lower sugar or sugar-free drinks including tea and coffee all count. Younger children need relatively smaller servings (150ml-200ml) whereas older children and adults need larger servings (250ml-300ml).

Fruit juice and smoothies should be limited to one small glass (150ml) per day at a mealtime to protect your teeth.

Mixing food types and portions

People will often have more than one portion of one food type at each meal. Based on the portion sizes above:

  • A sandwich with two slices of bread with two teaspoons of spread (one on each slice) would be two portions of carbohydrates and two portions of fats
  • A meal including meat or fish plus beans or pulses would be two portions of protein
  • A meal containing broccoli and carrots would be two portions of vegetables

Useful resources

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We all have good and bad days but what and when we eat can influence our mood, energy,...
Taste Buds is a resource that helps children aged 8 to 11 enjoy learning about the...
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This course will provide you with the basic nutrition knowledge and practical tools...
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This course will provide you with the basic knowledge to help you adopt a healthier and...
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We all have good and bad days but what and when we eat can influence our mood, energy,...
We will enrich your events with food demos, health and nutrition check-ups, competitions...
This course would be of particular use to health professionals and students wanting to...
Here at Vital Nutrition, we work with schools all over Northern Ireland to help inspire...
We all have good and bad days but what and when we eat can influence our mood, energy,...
Vital Nutrition offers a complete range of corporate health and workplace wellbeing...
This course provides caterers, food service providers and catering students with the...
We all have good and bad days but what and when we eat can influence our mood, energy,...
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Certified by the AfN. This course is for those who already have a basic knowledge of...
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Food diary, exercise tracker and diet coach
Nutrition scanner
Use this calculator to check your body mass index (BMI) and find out if you are a healthy weight. Or, use it to check your child's BMI centile.