Time to Talk Day 2021
Mental HealthTIME TO TALK DAY – 4 FEBRUARY 2021
On Thursday 4 February 2021, we need your help to get your teams talking about mental health.
Time to Talk Day is one of the biggest days on the mental health calendar.
It’s a chance for all of us to be more open about mental health – to talk, listen and change lives.
Time to Talk Day this year will take place during unusual times. COVID-19 has changed everyone's lives and the mental health impact of this new reality is significant. However, we are ready and willing to adapt.
This year's theme is the Power of Small. A small chat about mental health has the power to make a big difference. Once we start reaching out to those around us and discussing the issues we are concerned about, we can quickly learn that it is “OK not to be OK”.
Some things you could do
- Could you ask your class / work colleagues to take a 'Tea and Talk' break during the day, and make promoting mental health your topic of conversation.
- Maybe you could agree on a time with those you live with, to take half an hour away from devices and screens and ask each other how you're all feeling.
- Or perhaps you could call or message 5 people you know just to check-in with them on this special day.
- You can circulate the attached poster and resources among your team to get your team talking;
- Whatever you do, make sure you have at least one conversation today.
Time to Talk Day Mental Health Quiz
Let’s start talking and support each other.
Talk to a Professional
Inspire Workplaces
Staff experiencing difficulties should be reminded that Inspire Workplaces is a free, confidential service available to all staff. Take the first step, lift the phone and contact Inspire Workplaces to talk to someone who can help you access specialist support and information.
You can call Inspire anytime 24/7, 365 days a year on
– 0808 800 0002.
If you would like to discuss the Time to Talk initiative with any of our team please email healthandwellbeing@eani.org.uk